The electron microscopy laboratory provides either technical services with interpretation or technical-only electron microscopy services nationwide. 

The current emphasis is on ultrastructural studies of renal and neuromuscular specimens. The pathologists and laboratory scientists deliver high quality imaging with rapid turnaround time surpassing industry standards. Our highly specialized instrumentation includes a JEOL JEM-1011 Transmission Electron Microscope and Leica EM UC6 ultramicrotomes. Images are digitized from the electron microscope using the Advanced Microscopy Techniques (AMT) CCD Camera system and software.

Turnaround time: Upon the receipt of the specimen, the turnaround time is typically 24 - 48 hours.  Specimens received on Fridays will be processed the following Monday.  REQUIRED:  FAX requisition form, billing information and history form, PRIOR to shipping, to (319) 384-7213.

Digital image delivery: Images are delivered via email.

Hours: Specimens are accepted during our regular business hours.

Requisition form: Electron Microscopy Requisition Form

Useful links:

Specimen preparation and shipping: The tissue specimens should be placed in 2.5% glutaraldehyde fixative solution and shipped using our prepaid FedEx First Overnight airbills.

More information is available by contacting:
Electron Microscopy Lab
Amy Trent, BS, MT (NCA)


Prerna Rastogi, MD, PhD

Prerna Rastogi, MD, PhD

Director of Renal Pathology
Electron Microscopy Lab Director
Clinical Professor of Pathology
Steven Moore, MD, PhD

Steven Moore, MD, PhD

Director of Neuropathology
Professor of Pathology