Your credit card payments for any residual guarantor responsibility for that reference laboratory testing ordered by and performed on the request of your local provider will appear on your credit card statement as:


A receipt of this transaction will be recorded; however, your card information will not be retained by the University of Iowa Diagnostic Laboratories (UIDL). For more information please view the University of Iowa’s Credit Card Policy and Security Standards document.

Questions concerning billing or payment can be directed to the UIDL Reference Billing team by calling (866) 844-2522 or emailing

This payment portal cannot be used to pay any liability associated with any other University of Iowa entity other than the University of Iowa Diagnostic Laboratories (UIDL).

For Patients:

Example of a Patient Invoice

Your local provider has partnered with the University of Iowa Diagnostic Laboratories (UIDL) in your care by ordering a reference laboratory test that has been performed and resulted by the UIDL.

If testing has not been performed and you have been asked to make a prepayment, please refer to the prepayment page.

Note: The sample patient statement on the right shows where to find the relevant information on your statement for completing the payment process.

Proceed to Patient Payment

For Clients:

Example of a Client Invoice

Thank you for partnering with the University of Iowa Diagnostic Laboratories (UIDL) in the care of your patients. We appreciate the opportunity to  be your reference laboratory of choice.

Note: The sample invoice on the right shows where to find the relevant information on your invoice for completing the payment process.

Proceed to Client Payment

For Prepayments:

Example of a Prepayment Invoice

Your local provider has partnered with the University of Iowa Diagnostic Laboratories (UIDL) in your care by ordering a reference laboratory test that requires prepayment.

NOTE: This required prepayment may or may not fully cover all testing deemed necessary to complete evaluation/testing.  

Please be advised, upon completion of lab testing, you will receive a final statement of account showing final charges and all payments.

If prepayment exceeds actual charges, a refund will be issued back to the credit card holder. If prepayment amount does not fully cover all charges ultimately incurred, the UIDL will issue another statement of charges, once testing is completed, to the card holder who will be responsible for paying the residual liability. 

Note: The sample patient statement on the right shows where to find the relevant information on your statement for completing the payment process.

Proceed to Prepayment